Omag always pay attention to digital innovation and one of our goal is to constantly improve Customer Experience. The evolution of these ideas brings to the setup of the new Omag portal My-O, the login area dedicated to Omag customers. IT and Documentation Teams tell us more about this new digital solution.
What’s My-O?
My-O is the new portal dedicated to Omag customers. A full in-cloud solution, accessible by the Omag website, where customers can find all documents of their machines and lines, from certificates to machine manual, from electric and pneumatic schemes to spare part list, organized by contents and by machine models. But, in addition, customers can view the 3D of the machine making easy the spare parts offer, in a sicure way and with the 24-hours support of the Service Omag.
How My-O works?
Login is linked to Omag official website, from the private area. By username and password provided by Omag, customers can login into a customized area, with official company logo and all their products from every browser and device, mobile included. The only tool required is the Internet connection. The portal is organized into different sections, with specific functionalities: documentation, spare parts and ticketing.
How the idea of My-O was born?
In Omag we trust in innovation and digitalization. Our machines are equipped by the best electronic components and guided by innovative software solutions. The upgrade of the technologic level of our machines brings to the parallel growth of a wide range of new high-tech services. The portal My-O belongs to these services: the possibility to read and download paperless documentation, to watch online videos for customized manteinance and explore the 3D of own machines are new working modes that we want to offer to our customers in order to improve everyday their Customer Experience.
Which are the benefits of My-O?
One of the main advantages is the handling of the documents in a simple and organized way, with documents always upgraded and readable online. The benefit is an objective fact, both for new customers, “new entries” of the Omag World, both for historical customers, owners of different machines or different lines of primary and secondary packaging, installed all over the world. Thanks to this new portal, informations of different products are visible from a single entry-point. The documents are private but shared with Omag Documentation Team.
Another benefit is related to the possibility of explore the 3D of the machine or to ask for a offer for spare parts directly from the portal. This solution make easier the customer request, above all for internal components of the machine, without the risk of a classic e-commerce. The request of spare parts, in fact, will be taken in charge from the Omag After Sales Team, that will generate an appropriate offer for the required items.
Expectations about My-O?
In Omag, we trust into digital solutions that help process and interconnection and we know that this invisible power is very important. The portal represents for Omag a new modality to interact with our customers, that will not substitute the traditional existing channels. We have chosen a flexible configuration, the same of our projects, in order to leave the customer free to use our portal and request documentation of different types, in addition to ordinary channel (mail or Omag website).
From the left side: Emilio Metushi & Raffaella Cafaro (IT), Chiara D’Angelo & Antonietta Ciavarella (Technical documentation)